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Budgeting and money management skills are a big part of our lives. It is something we are extremely passionate about. In fact, our biggest goal for 2019 is to get out of credit card debt (thanks to a rough few years prior to hitting the road, but more about that later). This will allow us to free up our money for investing heavily for our future. We are equally as passionate about money management as we are traveling because they really go hand in hand. In order to live a life rich in travel either now or later down the road, some sort of money plan is required. The truth is the time to save and plan is now, not tomorrow and if we are really being honest it was probably time yesterday.
We totally understand that getting started with a money management plan and changing your money mindset can be overwhelming. We avoided it for years even though we were tracking our expenses and living a “budget”. The problem is that after awhile you just have to own your stuff. If you need to change, it sucks and it’s painful but it must be done. Before you can do any of that you need to study and learn. This is the first step, we truly believe in getting started to manage your money so it doesn’t manage you.
You deserve for your future to be bright and to be able to get what you want out of life. You deserve to have all the money you want to accomplish your picture of your best life. Our best life to us includes being debt-free, being financially independent and free so we can set our own schedules, travel as often as we want to, live wherever we want to and share and bless the lives of others as we see fit. Even though a bit of sacrifice is necessary now, I truly believe it will be worth it in the years to come. The great news is we are living our life and loving life while we are becoming debt-free. No-one said it has to be miserable.
Here is the first step. Education. Grab a copy of these money mindset books (or better yet check your local library and save the dough) and start reading. Share them with your spouse. Take notes and discuss them together. After that pass them off to your children and reread them together. We keep all these books around as references and reread them often to help keep us on track.
The books listed are meant to be in a particular order. Just like in college when you take an intro class before getting heavy into a specific topic, I highly suggest testing the waters and making some changes with the entry-level books before diving into the heavy hitters about investing and wealth management. We believe this is a good order to approach these books.
The 4 Laws of Financial Prosperity
My favorite money book is The 4 Laws of Financial Prosperity. This is an easy read that is fluffy and enjoyable but really gets into some of the meat of managing your money and getting out of debt with real-life techniques. This is a book we come back to every year. It’s simple to understand yet lifechanging. I highly recommend starting here before going anywhere else.
Total Money Makeover
You know that I’m not going to make a list like this without including my buddy Dave. Dave Ramsay has been changing the financial landscape for millions of people over the years with this book and the Financial Peace University. Of course, you need to read his book, listen to his podcasts and if possible attend a local FPU group (if you can’t there are tons of videos on YouTube). He really gets further into debt reduction strategies such as snowballing (rapid debt reduction) steps. He even has baby steps that help people head the right direction without becoming overwhelmed. Often times we look at our finances and we don’t even know where to start. This is where you start. His method is proven time and time again and even worked in his own life.
The Subtle Art of Not Giving A F*ck; A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life.
One thing that you are going to learn when you get started reducing your debt is getting out of that Keeping up with the Jones’s mentality. You just have to stop caring what every else thinks. You have to stop trying to compete with your neighbors, acquaintances, and family to have the best of the best. Turning from this attitude and focusing on your dreams and your goals is the only way. Because of that, while not technically a money book I highly recommend the book The Subtle Art of Not Giving A F*ck; A counterintuitive approach to living a good life. Choice language aside- this is a helpful and humorous book.
Smart Money Smart Kids
Of course, Dave Ramsay makes our list twice. But this book is not for us, it’s for
The principles we’ve learned will help us to teach our kids not to make the same mistakes that we did, to graduate high school with a healthy money mindset and money management skills, and to start off on the right foot from.
I love how Dave Ramsay always mentions we are changing family trees and the work starts now with you and the immediate next generation.
You may be tempted to skip this next section of books. But do not. I don’t care if you are in 100k of credit card debt. I don’t care if you haven’t even started tracking and trimming your expenses yet. Start reading these books now. They will excite you. They will prepare you. Better yet, they will give you hope for the future. The best thing you can do now while you are in a financial crisis is to learn everything you can about money and how it works. I guarantee that the more you learn the more you’ll be excited to get out of debt and have interest start working for you instead of you working for it.
Retire Inspired
This book is carefully written by Chris Hogan with a
Tony Robbins. He might be my personal hero. There is not a thing I can think about negative to say about him. He changes people lives and helps people all over the world. Motivational stuff aside he is a money genius. He has mastered wealth management and shares all his personal strategies and insights that normal everyday people can use, not just the top millionaires and billionaires in the world can use to support their wealth management efforts. I don’t care if you have never invested a dime before, you will learn something from this book.
Change your mind, change your life. We are big believers in the Law of Attraction. What you think about you bring about. It takes years of practice to keep the right mindset, especially if you’re in debt. We’re here to tell you there is hope and help ahead. Keep going and never give up. Read these books and then read them again. Work the money management systems and be a turtle until you can be a gazelle. Never give up. There is help and happiness ahead.
The Secret

You may have seen a DVD of this laying around your parents basement at some point. This is the best overview of the Law of Attraction that lays it out in laymen terms. Of course you will want to dive in deeper as you learn how to overhaul your money mindset but this will give a basic idea of how it works. Grab the book or the DVD and set up a date night with your partner.
The Instant Millionaire
This book reminds me a lot of the 4 Laws of Financial Prosperity as it follows an easy to read
Unleash Your Inner Money Babe
Ok, ok even if you are a dude this is a great easy read. I include it on my list because Katherin walks you through a 21 day process to manifest an extra $1,000 in your life. It’s her goal in this book to teach you real life techniques to alter your mindset so you can create your own money mindset and attract the kind of income you desire.
The Science of Getting Rich
This is your in-depth feature on how exactly the law of attraction works and why. It is a classic book that has been around and used by extremely successful people and will continue to be a favorite for generations to comes. It is not the easiest read. It’s short, but you are not going to want to rush through this book. It’s a little more philosophical than the others and really needs to be digested. However, o
The Strangest Secret
This is a
Other contenders:
These books just missed our top 11, but they’re still some of our favorite money mindset books. If you have the chance, check them out.
Think and Grow Rich – Napoleon Hill
You are a Badass at Making Money – Jen Sincero
Secrets of the Millionaire Mind – T. Harv Eker
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